Thursday, April 1, 2010


 Dear President Obama,
  Welcome to Portland Maine, by the time you read this, your plane is already left the shores of this beautiful Northern New England City, but I will go ahead and  read  from what was on the list of our coffee social (meeting) that never happened,  first and foremost I will share with you what is going on in Portland or Maine for that matter .  The Catholic Dioces in Portland made a big head line last week when they informed a local non profit (Preable street)  that not only to refund the  money they(Catholic Church) have giving them to help the homeless, but they will not fund the organization's projects  any more, Because the non profit supported gay marriage  movement during the last general elections and that makes me wonder where lies the compassion that religious organizations preach if they will chose politics over humanity . Then on the political front I was at a rally a few days before congress passed the 'Obamacare' bill that you are here to promote and every one at the rally ws angry and protesting against an insurance company that was increasing its premium.
   Mr president, YOU will have been impressed by the young people in my youth group, I will send you their pictures, last Thursday we volunteered at an event in Freeport to raise money for the YMCA and on Friday we also volunteered here in Portland at another Fundraiser to support a Pro-Bono legal NGO 'Immigrant Legal advocacy Project' (ILAP)that helps local immigrants with their immigration paper works for free or small fee and on Sat we went to the soup kitchen in the morning and then did another project in the afternoon, you see how busy I keep the youth around here? Oh there is another movement here in Portland that was planning to meet you with placards, they want comprehensive Immigration reforms and another want to make sure that the local legal residents can vote during local elections(What do you think about that) I will not tell any one what your opinion is, since it would have been between the two of us.
      Mr President yesterday I was hoping we were going to meet so I wrote it on my face book and ask my Face Book friends to give me questions that I can pass it on to you , guess what ? about 21 people responded, some of them really thought I was going to have coffee with you and   pass on some of the questions they wanted me to ask you. Two of them are from my motherland Ghana, and the rest are my friends here in Portland, I am going to cut and past this face book questions so that you can read it over coffee in the white house during the Easter festivities..  Below are some of the questions my friends wanted me to ask you, Mr President :
Ivy Nana Amoah Boyd
Ivy Nana Amoah Boyd
Hmmmmmmmm? good one.
Yesterday at 6:51am ·
Lisa Savage
Lisa Savage
Mr. Obama, why do you keep bombing civilians?
Yesterday at 6:54am ·
Panji Anoff
Panji Anoff
are u a wolf in sheeps clothing??
Yesterday at 6:57am ·
Sarah Demarest
Sarah Demarest
I'd tell him that I'm sorry we thought a single man could change the entire fate of our nation and ask him what we can do to help. (:
Yesterday at 7:03am ·
Deborah Lynch Riddell
Deborah Lynch Riddell
I agree with Sarah
Yesterday at 8:08am ·
Pauline Tuyisenge
Pauline Tuyisenge
ask him to come up with a good program that will show every child in USA the importance of having a college degree
Yesterday at 8:48am ·
Lisa Veleff Day
Lisa Veleff Day
I think you need to ask him if I can join you! :)
Yesterday at 10:03am ·
Christina Bechstein
Christina Bechstein
Follow your heart Pious, you will (or would, I hope will!) know exactly what to ask.
Yesterday at 10:50am ·
Dawn Miller
Dawn Miller
Why have you been dishonest? Why have you re-instated the Patriot Act, how come you have not brought our troops home, why are you still recieving funding from corporations and putting their agenda in place, rather than what you said you would do?
Yesterday at 11:22am ·
Simone Van Der Loo
Simone Van Der Loo
how do you like your coffee...?
Yesterday at 11:50am ·
Anne Dalton
Anne Dalton
I ditto Deb and Sarah.....
Yesterday at 12:03pm ·
Blak Kofe
Blak Kofe
does he remember me from our brief encounter in Ghana???will he support my NGO for maternal health?the margaret djanie memorial foundation.
Yesterday at 12:24pm ·
Badr Sharif
Badr Sharif
Keep pressuring Israel. And don't listen to AIPAC.
Yesterday at 12:43pm ·
Sara Rahman
Sara Rahman
if i were to meet him, amidst all the political conversations, i'd ask him if he likes lobster, and if so...if he'd like me to score him some at boat prices.
i guess what i am saying is i would keep it real.
Yesterday at 1:36pm ·
Jonathan Bergman
Jonathan Bergman
...does he watch Saturday Night Live?
Yesterday at 4:55pm ·
Sara Brobst
Sara Brobst
I don't know what I would ask, but I would tell him "thank you" for potentially creating such a traffic mess in Parkside that I get to leave work at 1pm:)
Yesterday at 6:35pm ·
Nickie Avery
Nickie Avery
I would ask him how, in the real world, our government (while it might be one of the better government systems in the world) might actually focus on fixing issues vs. getting re-elected or "beating other side". Represent, Pious!
Yesterday at 9:53pm ·


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